Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ribbon Pinspiration

Here is my Pinspiration for the week. My effort to make Pintrest more than JUST a time suck.

I have an abundance of ribbon spilling over in all areas of my house. And I already had a large jar that I used to hold my ribbon scraps. So for this project I only had to buy the Popsicle sticks and pins.

Ever since I found out Miss Monroe was a girl, I just can't pass up a super cute spool. The lid didn't fit on this overflowing box anymore.

Some of my spools were new and full
and it made for a FAT roll.

Some were half empty
It was pretty simple. You just wrap it around until the roll is done and then stick a pin in it to hold it.

I did this in a couple of hours while the kiddos were playing.
It IS time consuming, but it's mindless. You can do it while catching up on shows or sitting with the kids while they play.
Here is my finished jar, and I still have room left in there.
Which means now I can buy more ribbon ;)

What has Pintrest done for you lately?

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