Wednesday, October 24, 2012

body Makeover- week 3 update

This week sucked.
Last week weigh in-157.8
this week weigh in- 158.2

So I gained almost 1/2 pound back which considering how much I worked out (not at all) and all the crap I ate (hello, we had a birthday this week and celebrated a lot) is pretty good.

I never thought of myself as a stress eater but realized this week that I totally am. I had a lot going on and the bottom line is that I didn't make it a priority and I justified eating crap because I was stressed out and overwhelmed.

But  the pics I saw of myself from my son's birthday party served as great motivation because I did NOT like what I saw.

I told myself last night that I would restart today and then I woke up feeling like crap- it's always gonna be something!

But this is a new week and I will get back on track with my eating and with working out.
I can either stop talking about doing it and start doing it or still be talking about it six months from now.

UGH- even as I am typing this I am dreading working out after work and am having  inner dialogue that is talking me out of it and justifying it.
-I'm sick
-need to cook dinner
-huge piles of laundry on the couch that won't get put away themselves
-It's a school night and I need to help with homework
-the hubs is slammed at work this week
-PTO meeting tonight
-trunk show @ A Tad Monroe
-the list of excuses is never ending

let's hope that I can silence my inner self that is content with sitting on the couch and channel my inner athlete that HAS to be in there somewhere, right?
Just suck it up, so you won't have to Suck it in!


  1. You can totally do this! It's all about not giving up and not stopping! I definitely know what you mean about waking up and immediately talking yourself out of it. I've even been standing on the treadmill at the gym, said "screw this" and walked to the door, grabbed the handle and then turned around and drug myself back onto the treadmill. Even if all I did was walk for 15 minutes, I was going to do something. Take it a day at a time and if you ever need a workout buddy - I'll do everything I can to be there! If you need me to watch the kiddos one evening while you go run/workout just let me know!

  2. I have found it is much easier to work out in the morning, before everyone else gets up. Then, you feel great all day. Hello 5am!
