Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Monday To-Do's...on a Tuesday

I know that it's Tuesday, but my kids were out of school yesterday so it feels like Monday to me.
I always start Monday thinking about what I want to accomplish for the week and man it is so overwhelming sometimes.. like today.
I am definitely one of those women that say "YES" to everything and then ends up with to many things on my to-do list- I used to tell ppl "NO".
How did that happen?
Well, regardless of how or when it happened, it's who I am.
And then it gets put on my mental to-do list that is never ending.
how do we do it all?
I have so many things that I want to do for "me", then add on all of the must do for the kiddos and house stuff and work and the list goes on and on and on...
I DID start working out last week like I wanted to, and it is going well. I will get a week 1 update up this week.
A good friend of mine is doing a great job of giving me that kick in the ass subtle encouragement that I need to keep it up (thanks) and hopefully it will start to get easier to allow myself the time to do this for myself.

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of a truly personal - not family or work - goal to accomplish for the week. I also feel like all the day to day (boring) things fill up my days and I end up living day to day, not working on a long - or even short to be frank - goal. Thanks for the inspiration!
