Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Yesterday after it rained (for the first time in months) I was outside and noticed a small ant pile forming on the edge of our sidewalk leading to our door. While I wasn;t excited about the ants, I was excited to see the pile because hopefully that means they are moving out of my house! So I had the hubs put some spray on them (nip it in the bud before they get too comfy I thought).

Boy was I wrong, they must have LOVED whatever he put on them as this morning it had quadrupled in size. I mean really, that is ridiclious ( and I don;t think this pic even does it justice)! And of course the boys want to get as close as possible to see the ants crawling around.

UGH! I hate ants!

1 comment:

  1. I HATE ants! I always seem to find their beds while pulling weeds... and my hand/foot is swarming with them.
