Thursday, September 22, 2011

Family pictures were a bomb

No that was NOT a typo, I did not mean to say family pictures were "tha bomb", as in awesome and great. Nope, I meant what I typed, they were A BOMB!

For starters I did not wear the most practical shoes, great for pictures, not so great for wondering though fields of tall grass looking for the perfect spot. This was the first time we used this new photographer, and bless her heart she probably thought I was Krazy with a capital K!

Langston was definitely exhibiting his terrible three's are worse than terrible two's attitude and I was so frustrated.

She assured me that there were good shots and that it will all be fine, i'm doubtful and we'll see if my children make it through the night.

(just kidding....kindof)

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I was wondering...what is with those terrible three's (or in our case terrible almost threes.) but your photographer is more concerned with getting workable pics so I'm sure she did regardless of attitudes or shoes! Can't wait to see them!!
