Friday, September 2, 2011

Showing Teachers Some Love

With Keddie starting Kindergarden this year and Langston moving up to a new classroom at his school, I wanted a way to know what their teachers like.
We don't do a TON of gifts throughout the year, but I think it is nice to show how much we appreciate them a couple times throughout the year.
I didn't want to just ask " so, what do you like to get" as I'm sure they would not appreciate being put on the spot and I'm sure it would have been an akward conversation.

So what's a girl to do??

Then one day, while blog surfing, I found this

How perfect is that?

Pretty amazing I think. A little teacher questionairre if you will.

Just what this mommy was looking for.

And that my friends, is why I heart blogging. Problem? Solved!

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