Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Serended by Screams

As I sit here typing I am being seranaded by the screams of my 3 yr old.

This mama's nerves are bad.

I love that little Langston, I SWEAR i do, but I just do not know what to do with him lately.

From the minute I pick him up from his daycare to the last seconds of him screaming himself to sleep, it is a battle. And his teachers say he is amazing and so fun to have in class, I think one of them even refered to him as a "joy"; I'm glad he's being good for someone, I just wish it could be me some days.

It doesn't help that the hubby has been out of town and I'm flying solo so there is no relief, no tag teaming him when I've had enough.

AAAnd then I have this mommy guilt set in.

The little voice in my head that says:

-enjoy the time you have with him in the evenings since you put him in daycare all day

-tons of parents NEVER have help and you can't swing it for a week alone

-He's feeding off your strees, if you calm down so will he

-Well he learned that behavior somewhere

-why can't I get him to stop

But then it spirals from there because he just. wont. stop. screaming.

Even as I am typing this I am feeling bad because I am sharing this negativity and who wants to hear my sob story, but isn't this better than me going in there?

Surely it is. Just sayin.

He is soooo strong willed, much like his mama, which I love most of the time.

He is independent and even at three knows what he wants.

But strong willed is one thing, defiant and tantrum throwing are another.

The Terrible Three's really are....well, terrible!


  1. Poor Denise and sweet (terrible) Langston. Without any experience in this area I am guessing it will get better soon... I KNOW it will get better sooner with a glass of wine though! (if not, send him to the neighbors... you have plenty!)

  2. Well, I'm just now seeing this and I'm glad you survived! I can tell you've I've been there too - on numerous occasions. I have the EXACT SAME GUILT issues. Sometimes I just turn on the news to hear about all the terrible parents doing horrible things and remind myself that I give my baby love and attention, he has a nice roof over his head and plenty of food to eat. I'm not saying that makes him stop screaming, but thats why they put locks on bathroom doors.... just saying
