Today marks week 23 and my first encounter with what I call idiots.
23 weeks means that I am into my 5th month and some people have mentioned that I am slightly larger ( Oh my, you are huge!!) than what they think a 5 month preggo should look like.
To which I shrug and say if you think I'm big now, just wait (and in my head I'm thinking well at least I have an excuse to be this huge...what's your excuse).
Not the nicest thoughts but I mean come on, give a preggo a break-
do you really think that
A- you are the only one that professes these observations to me everyday
B-that pregnant women LOVE to hear how HUGE they are getting
C-I am concerned with how big or not YOU (not a Dr.) think I should be
Give me a break people.
But that is not the worst of it, this particular idiot asked me today
"you haven't had that baby yet?"
To which I replied " are you kidding, I am only 5 months, please don't start asking me that everyday"
Given my hormonal imbalances I thought that was a rather appropriate and rational response to what was clearly a ridiclious attempt at being funny.
He seemed taken aback by my response and a little offended.
I didn't intend to sound rude but I mean come on, seriously...
This pregnant rant has been brought to you by hormonal imbalances, lack of sleep, back and hip pain and general blahness.
When can I expect that second trimester high to kick in...
Any day now, I'm sure of it!