Friday, September 21, 2012


There is a GREAT post over at Gallamore West that hit home with me today...
about getting Mom in the picture
Take a look at that picture roll in your phone, how many pics are you actually in?
I have 322 pictures in my phone, mostly of my kids throughout the days.
Wanna know how many of the pics I am in?
That is insane, I know they are just cell phone pics, but it's a record of our life. I don't always have the big nice camera to get the shot.
It's a record of our reality- except it's not because the reality is that I am there WITH them and I want to be in the pics WITH them to. When looking back, I want to be able to remember the times we had together and that means including me in the pic.
Getting in FRONT of the lense (and not caring about my hair or make up or weight or whatever i'm insecure about that day) has got to be a priority.  Yes,  I want pictures of my kids living their life but I also want pictures of US- together!
I have definitely noticed that I am ALWAYS behind the camera getting shots of my kids.
I will be making more of an effort to be in the pics with them. Join me!!
Follow my memories on instagram @rowdyramsdens

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing!! It's amazing how many pictures we take and how few we are actually in. Yay to Mom getting in the pictures!! xoxo
