Monday, September 10, 2012


I have been having a rough time lately, transitioning back to "real life" after having Miss Monroe has proved to be a challenge.
I am discovering that what I used to want isn't what I want NOW.
AND that it's ok.
This morning I saw this over at Honey Were Home , and it was exactly what I needed to see.
I need to work on putting my trust in God and having Faith that things will work out as they should.


  1. There is so much peace in acknowledging God is in control. I'm so sorry you're having a rough time. Let us know if there is anything we can do.

  2. I am struggling with the same thing myself right now. Praying for strength to follow God's will - and faith to follow His will-has been helpful for me. Let's make a date for this Sunday at the Ark if you can make it!
