Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Seasonal Affect Disorder that is....

Interesting how a little gloomy weather can impact your mood. For the past couple of days it has been rainy, wet, and sunshine to be seen.
The weather has been running a parallel to my mood these past couple of days, yep, I'll just go ahead and say it I've been in a general funk!

Now that I have diagnosed the funk...time to get out of the funk...

What have you found is the best way to disrupt a funk, blue mood, down it what you will...whats your tried and true remedy?


  1. I just have to get busy... finish a project, organize the tupperware cabinet - something. The more I sit the worse it gets.

  2. Elliptical while listening to guilty-pleasure music (mine is gangsta rap - yep, I said it)
