Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Letting go

This morning was rough. Why do you think children fight and protest getting ready for school in the morning? I mean really, they go everyday so they know it's coming and there's no getting out of it. Any tips on how to ease the morning routine would be much appreciated.

Today I am attending a funeral for a grandparent of some friends of mine. I didn't know him well but had met him a couple of times. Kindof makes me feel uneasy inside to be getting ready to go to another funeral.

This past Sunday marked 4 months since Aaron died and I'm not sure it's getting any easier. "People" say 6 months is an appropriate time ti grieve for a loved one but that just makes me feel like I better get on the ball. I don't feel like i'll be done in the next two months.

I have definitely learned that it is harder to let someone go when you have unfinished business. It had been a while since Aaron and I had a good relationship and I missed him then but always felt the possibility that he would find his way back to himself.

Now I have to find a way to make peace with not having said all the things I wish he could have heard from me. He was a good brother and I miss him.

1 comment:

  1. 1. You can't put a deadline on grieving for someone you loved. That's not fair.
    2. Talk to him - he's listening. Open your heart to the possibility of a response, and you may be surprised by the peace that follows.
    3. I'm here if you need anything. We are just across the street and are happy to take the boys off your hands if you need a break!
