Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I heart turquoise

I got a wild hair on Saturday afternoon and decided I wanted to paint the kitchen.
I've been thinking about it for a while, just hadn't fully decided on the color scheme.
I have been in love with all things Turquoise for a while now and decided to just go for it.
Luckily the Hubs was on board so we headed to Home Depot. 

I finally settled on Gem Turquoise (top right ).
Here is what the kitchen looked like before. It was a deep red and kindof tuscan-y yellow.
Here is above the cabinets, yellow with red decor.

My "helper"

Half the wall done and it was already SO much brighter. 

There is alot of shadow in this pic because it was getting dark.
This is the blue up against the old yellow- not a great combo...

Blue wall complete, it actually went really fast. 


My helper sweeping behind the furniture so we could paint the wall. He LOVES to sweep, always has. 

I didn't realize when I picked the color, but Mike pointed out that it is "Tiffany Blue"- pretty close, maybe that's why I love it so much.
Not sure how we could have done it without him ;)

This is the color that we painted all the walls that were yellow. A nice neutral tan to anchor the turquoise.

My other helper passed out while we were working. (Yes he still sucks him thumb, it's a struggle, let it go)

I am in LOVE with the new colors.
Hopefully this week I will find time to put it all back together and I can give you updates.



  1. All the cool kids sucked their thumbs until they were 7 or 8. Lindsay and I turned out fine! Mostly...
