Sunday, August 19, 2012

So starts the countdown to reality

Not that my life lately hasn't been real, it's been super real, but 7 days until "REAL" life starts back.
Back to work, back to school, back to daycare.

I am sooo ready for the back to school part, these two rambunctious boys that call me mom are driving me back to work, but this sweet princess over here- well her and I could just hang out forever. 

This last week- seven days really holds a lot of to-do's that need to be done. Man, it's times like this that I wish I wasnt such a procrastinator...

-finish getting school supplies
-finish cleaning out boys closet/ drawers with too small clothes
-wash and put away new school clothes
-haircuts for the boys since they've been boycotting all summer
- laundry (never done...ugh)
-pack for trip to watch hubby's race (more on that later)
-get all Monroe's stuff together to take to childcare on Monday (tear...)
-figure out if I have work clothes that will fit this post baby body

Certain there's more because like I said, I procrastinate...
and I WILL be back to the blog-

I wish SuperWoman wasn't just a character in a movie!

1 comment:

  1. I am pretty certain that in real life Superwoman calls herself Denise. You SO can handle all this! Prayers are with you though for some extra strength and will power!
