Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Shopping for a Cause

I Love October!

Partially because the temps finally drop below 100 (gotta love Texas weather) and partially because I know I can get good deals on hair products at Ulta.

These are some of the products that Ulta offers in October for half price AND they donate a portion to breast cancer charities.

Pictured are the TIGI brand dry shampoo and hairspray. Normally they retail for $16 a bottle, crazy I know but I love them. I got them for $8 each. I paid $32 for 4 bottles of product when every other month of the year I would have paid that price for two.

I'm definitely going back tomorrow in hopes of getting enough to last me until next October...


  1. ooh wow. you just touched a sore spot. i've been just dying for an Ulta or Sephora trip. although i know products don't make me beautiful, i've been itching for new make-up, hair products, nail polish, and more to make me feel more like a model than the tired, stressed mom i am. maybe i can stop in this weekend and score me some deals and shop for a cause too!

  2. I am totally in favor of getting enough to last until next Oct! I think I have some Ulta coupons if you want them, let me know!
