Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day Tea Party

Keddie's class had a Mother's Day Tea Party yesterday.

They sent the cutest invitations home.

They answered questions about their mom, one of the questions was how old is your mom?

Keddie's Answer: 23...

I LOVE that kid.

His teacher asked me if he got all the questions right,

my answer, ABSOLUTELY, he did!

He thought these cookies with holes in the middle were the best thing ever.

At the Tea Party.

Tea for moms, Capri Suns for kids, cookies and fruit.

After the Tea Party was over, I told Keddie I had to go back to work and he was crushed. We compromised by him coming with me.

Hard at work being a scientist (his imagination astounds me)

He thought it was pretty cool to be at work with Mommy.

1 comment:

  1. You've got a smart kiddo! I think you should have posted his other answers though!
