It's funny how in my life it's all or nothing. Life is either unbelievably boring (my personal favorite) or insane crazy.
It's all or nothing, there is no inbetween.
I prefer boring because boring means no drama, no sickness, no trials, no deaths.
Boring is, well boring, and that's the way I like it.
And oh how I long for boring...
To Me Boring Means
no forever family feuds,
no losing Dad, and friends and Brother,
no Mom moving far far away,
no sick kids,
no fights with Hubby,
no weight gain
and lots of money!
I really do long for childlike boredom
when my biggest worry was which game to play.
But that is not the hand I was dealt,
maybe I picked it, surely the plan is bigger than me.
Because even when my life is crazy, who am I kidding, it's crazy everyday,
I am blessed.
My trials are so great and they are for sure a constant battle,
but there are so many things that help me on my way.
Daily talks with sisters,
Kisses from my kids,
Laughter with a friend,
It's the little things that lift my spirits and make me thankful every day-
cute new shoes,
a super thrifty find,
making dinner for friends,
all the little things that make up life-
that's what makes it worth living.